Monday, October 10

This just in

I know I'm not the first, but I would just like to reiterate that Ed Wade has been dismissed. Current top canditates for the job, according to leading British bookmakers:

3 to 1 --Ed Wade's brother
5 to 1 --David Bell
9 to 1 --Phillie Phanatic
15 to 1 --Kyle Korver
1,000,000 to 1 --all remaining candidates with any qualifications

Personally, I put my vote in for Ken Hitchcock. I bet he knows baseball, and I'm sure he'll have some free time this season.


Anonymous said...

The lesson here is to never trust a man that looks like Smeagal with a bad haircut.

I would love to see Pat Croce get hired as the Phil's GM. I'm sure the high comedic value alone would more than make up for the crushing losses

Armando said...

I love pat croce. he should seriously get the Phils on his daytime TV show